MOMS are PEOPLE too! What you can do to MAKE HER DAY memorable. disc empowerment holiday celebrations memorable moments mindset and goals personal development May 17, 2024

"MOM", "GRANDMA", "NANA",  "MAMA", ....

Have you ever thought about how we could go through a lifetime referring to our MOMS, as "Mom", and not consider her as an individual person with her own unique personality, with her own personal needs and values?

How about YOU?

If you're a mom, have...

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Personality Strengths of 10 Top Christian Leaders disc disc personality assesesments faith interpersonal skills leadership personal development professional development Feb 09, 2024

Our personalities are a gift from God. 

  • We are each uniquely designed
  • Our personality is as unique as our fingerprint! 
  • Your Personality is not the same as Your Character
  • Our Personality is what we are given. 
    Our Character is what we do with it!



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INTERPERSONAL SKILLS of the Most Financially Successful disc disc personality assesesments elements for success financial success interpersonal skills professional development Oct 22, 2023

Education is often seen as the key to success, but there are numerous examples of individuals who have achieved remarkable success without a college degree. These individuals have defied conventional wisdom and carved their own paths to success, relying on their unique skills and determination.


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What is the Value of a D.I.S.C. Personality Assessment in Business? disc leadership personal development personality assessment Sep 22, 2023

In today's fast-paced business world, effective communication and building strong relationships are crucial for success. One powerful tool that can help you achieve this is the D.I.S.C. assessment. In this blog post, we will explore what D.I.S.C. is and why it is valuable in both business...

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How does D.I.S.C. compare with other personality assessments? disc empowerment leadership personality assessment success teamwork Sep 21, 2023

Comparing D.I.S.C.  with Other Personality Assessments; Finding the Right Fit for Your Business

PERSONALITY ASSESSMENTS have become popular tools for understanding individual behavior and improving communication within businesses. Among the various assessments available, D.I.S...

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