MOMS are PEOPLE too! What you can do to MAKE HER DAY memorable.

disc empowerment holiday celebrations memorable moments mindset and goals personal development May 17, 2024
Free gift for Mother's Day DISCover personality strengths

"MOM", "GRANDMA", "NANA",  "MAMA", ....

Have you ever thought about how we could go through a lifetime referring to our MOMS, as "Mom", and not consider her as an individual person with her own unique personality, with her own personal needs and values?

How about YOU?

If you're a mom, have you ever felt a bit lost within your identity as MOM?  within your function as nurturer and guide for the family?  When was the last time that you self-reflected?  took inventory on yourself? 

How about YOUR MOM:

Do you think that she has embraced her beauty and influential strengths?
Is she even AWARE of them?


DID YOU KNOW? ( of course you don't because, I haven't told anyone, yet)

... that MY MOM took HER FIRST PERSONALITY "test" at 90!

Yep!  my folks are so cool.  I asked them to do me a favor and take a DISC assessment, and they did!   When I reviewed her report with my mom, she was astonished when she learned about her personality strengths, SHE NEVER STOPPED TO THINK ABOUT HERSELF at this level of personal awareness.  And it WAS SO MUCH FUN to have this VEIL LIFTED and oh my goodness, now the patterns of our family interactions and how we did life together, makes so much sense! It was a beautiful revelation, and we are still enjoying the benefits of this simple - 15 minute exercise.


I would love to help you share the same AHA!  kind of moment with your Mom or other loved one, maybe beginning with YOU? if you haven't had this experience yet.

I recommend my DISCovery Bundle * that includes a DISC personality assessment and Report, and two one-on-one private confidential sessions with me, where I review the report, explain what it means, and how what's learned can be applied for an enriching future of better communications and healthier relationships.
*for SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY PRICE: enter code: Mom1


As a FREE GIFT, I have a free self-assessment you can download, click button below to sign up for it.  (it is the business version). 




~ Sandy