Creating a Lasting Legacy: Making Memorable Events Count

celebrations connecting during difficult times event planning memorable events Dec 22, 2023
Solace ocean scene

Creating a legacy is about more than just leaving behind material possessions. It's about leaving a lasting impact on the lives of others and ensuring that your values and wisdom continue to inspire future generations.

There is power in memorable events for the present as well as future flashbacks.  Let's consider these opportunities for shaping your legacy and how you can make even the most brief moments count.

In this blog we will take a quick peek into the possibilities for creating your own memorable events and enjoying those memorable moments.   If you are inspired by any of the examples and would like to explore possibilities for yourself or loved one, click on any of the "Contact me"' links and share your idea or ask a question.  Creating memorable events is our specialty.


1. Begin with the End in Mind:

When thinking about your legacy, it's important to start by envisioning how you would like to be remembered. Consider the values and principles that are most important to you and how you can incorporate them into your memorable events. By starting with the end in mind, you can ensure that your legacy aligns with your true purpose.

Time is fleeting. We must be intentional.  

Memorable Connections Tip:

  • Take the time to think about your future, and what your true purpose is.  Write it down!
  • Now you have a goal, a target, so that going forward you can fulfill your plans accordingly. 


Here are some examples of things we have done that have been treasured and "memorable".

A Christmas tradition that started with our girls and continues with our grandchild:

When our children were young we poured into making their Christmas fun and exciting, family and friend activities, finding the best Christmas tree, decorating the tree, putting lights up, baking cookies, preparing for holiday parties and enjoying all the festivities.  These are all "normal" traditional holiday activities.  So, how could I make something meaningful and special outside of the "normal" everyone's doing it? how could I make something that is OUR tradition?

A part of the annual Christmas expectation was receiving gifts with the biggest one coming from "Santa".  My goal was to bring the focus back to Jesus, the reason for the season, while retaining the fun and excitement the kids expected.  So, I literally brought the girls back to Jesus every Christmas morning before receiving the additional material blessings in the form of gifts: toys, clothes, treasures...

I made a special annual tradition for our girls to have a scavenger hunt on Christmas morning, with the final clue leading to their "BIG Gift".  The hunt always began at the nativity scene with a prayer of gratitude to remind them of what Christmas was about before moving on to discover their big treasure. 

The scavenger hunt consisted of at least five clues: the first clue being found at the nativity scene and leading them to the second clue, and so on until the final clue which would lead them to their "BIG Gift".   But, when they arrived at each location, there wasn't just a note with a riddle to find the next clue, this was my opportunity to have some fun too!  At each point I "required" them to DO SOMETHING before they had the go-ahead to proceed to the next location.  The "SOMETHING"s could be things like: "hop on one leg 25 times while clapping your hands"; "face each other and mirror each other's movements for 1 minute"; "sing a Christmas carol"; "make a rap about Christmas"; "do 10 push ups and 10 jumping jacks";  . . .

Memorable Connections Tip for parents:  take photos and videos of them while they're doing the hunt, to "document" the fun you shared together.  Print photos as mementos.

Decades later, when people ask what's a family tradition they cherish and remember, our girls recall the scavenger hunts on Christmas mornings.  Our daughter was so excited to begin this tradition with her son, he could barely walk for his first scavenger hunt, beginning shy of 2 years old.


A Beauty Makeover that will always be remembered, a highlight in her last days.

Memorable Events DO NOT have to take a lot of pre-planning, they can be IMPROMPTU lightbulb idea moments that take fruition.  

Consider who you want to bless, consider the parties involved, the family and friends who have many talents, and consider what you'd like to do? then you can start working on the "how" and "when".

For example, this makeover for Gino's mom, Rosina was an impromptu idea that was so much fun and such a blessing for Rosie and for all of us. 

A little background on Rosie's condition: on her drive to her high school reunion in 2006, she almost lost her life in a major car accident with a semi-truck.  It was so bad that the emergency attendants came with a body bag to remove her from the wreckage.  They were surely scared out of their wits when she started talking to them!  Rosie continued to amaze everyone miracle after miracle in the midst of tragedies and critical stages she lived through until 2016 when complications took her life, and she moved on to her forever home with Jesus.

In 2011, when we gave Rosie a beauty makeover, we didn't know that we would lose her just some years later.  And yet, how perfectly the timing was, never too early, to seize the moment of opportunity to create a memorable event.

How it came about:  we were preparing to celebrate Christmas together with family in Tennessee.  Since the accident and losing her legs, Rosie had been living at an assisted living facility.  It was a treat for her to be brought to the house and enjoy a holiday family gathering.  Rosie loved fashion and fun, family, food, and life all around.  And yet, it had been some time since she had been able to enjoy many of those things. She also loved attention (lol); she was a true extrovert, a high "I" in the D.I.S.C. model.  So here we have an opportunity to do something out of the ordinary for her and create a MEMORABLE moment that will meet her need for attention and refresh her spirit of fun.

She may not have been able to go out for fun and fashion, but we could bring them TO HER! 

Here was the opportunity we seized:  Our daughter, Lisa, had a friend who was joining us for the holiday meal.  I learned that she was a makeup artist, a makeup artist for musicians and celebrities. What?!  Lightbulb!  YES!   "Do you think she could do a makeover for your grandma Rosie?"   And of course, high "I" daughter Lisa and her friend were all for it and the plan was ON!


Thank you to Ana Liza Witham for sharing your talent and making Rosie's day!   

Memorable Connection Tip:  Do not overthink when creating memorable events. Dream and visualize first - then the details can either fall into place or be dealt with when they need to be.  Enjoy the process. Enjoy the results.


2. Words of Wisdom:

One of the most powerful ways to leave a lasting impact is through the wisdom you pass on to others. Take the time to reflect on the life lessons you have learned and the advice you would like to share with your children, family members, friends, and future generations.

Ways you may deliver your wisdom:

  • Writing letters
  • Creating your own e-book for your children/grandchildren
  • Make a photo album, and be sure to add your "two cents" of wisdom on the pages
  • Have fun creating "memes" with your "wisdom words" included  (Contact me)
  • Get clever: write a poem
  • Creating videos (keep it simple, use your smartphone, save in a virtual folder)
  • Get a Recorded Interview  (I can do this for you or for a loved one. Contact me.)
  • Hosting intimate gatherings to impart your words of wisdom 
    (need ideas? Contact me)
  • . . .  

It's YOUR STORY, you can write it and deliver it any way you want.

It is my joy to help people to share their stories!  If you have a special milestone event coming up and you'd like some ideas on how to make it more MEMORABLE, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.  Click the Contact me and let's talk!

Here's a couple examples of celebration videos I've put together:

In memory for a celebration of life


For the opening of a New Business:



3. Gifts that Keep Giving:

Your legacy can also be expressed through the gifts you leave behind. Think about the talents, skills, or resources you possess that can benefit others. Whether it's creating a scholarship fund, donating to a cause you care about, or sharing your expertise through online courses or coaching programs, find ways to leave a positive impact that will continue to benefit others long after you're gone.


4. Glorifying God in Your Legacy:

For those who are guided by faith, leaving a legacy that glorifies God can be a powerful way to make a difference. Consider how you can incorporate your beliefs and values into your memorable events. This could include organizing charitable events, supporting your church or small group, or simply living a life that reflects your faith and inspires others to do the same.



Creating a legacy with memorable events is a powerful way to ensure that your impact on the world continues long after you're gone. By beginning with the end in mind, sharing your words of wisdom, leaving behind meaningful gifts, and glorifying God in your legacy, you can make a lasting difference in the lives of others and create a legacy that will be remembered for generations to come.

Start today and let your memorable events shape the legacy you leave behind.

Not sure how to get started?

Connect with Sandy and Gino at for ideas and direction.