Checklists: How to Make Your Christmas & Holidays More MEMORABLE

checklists event planning holiday celebrations memorable events memorable moments Dec 11, 2023

'Tis the Season!
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

Christmas and New Year's is celebrated throughout the world!  a universal time of celebration with family and friends.  It's a time for celebrating new beginnings, creating memories, and treasuring those of the past.

Along with the fun and excitement with anticipation of these celebrations, comes competition for our time and focus, and unfortunately this season of opportunity to create lifetime memories can come and go.

Sooo, let's make THIS YEAR a MEMORABLE ONE!

Here are a few checklists you may refer to as prompts as you plan your Christmas and Holiday gatherings and celebrations. 

To enrich the experiences further, consider the personalities of those you are preparing gifts for and spending time with.  Considering their values and personal preferences are the game changers for making what you give and do for them meaningful to them, a memorable connection that will be fondly remembered for many many years.


Checklists to help you make your Christmas and Holidays more MEMORABLE:







Checklist for Children:
1. Create a festive atmosphere:
- Decorate the house together with colorful lights, ornaments, and a Christmas tree.
- Set up a Nativity scene together - explain the meaning of Christ's birth as each piece is added
- Play holiday music and sing along to create a joyful ambiance.

2. Engage in fun holiday activities:
- Bake and decorate cookies together.
- Plan a movie night with classic holiday films and movies with the true meaning of Christmas: Jesus' birth
- Organize a craft session to make homemade ornaments or cards.

3. Foster a spirit of giving and gratitude:
- Encourage children to participate in a charitable activity, such as donating toys or volunteering at a non-profit organization.
- Teach them the importance of gratitude by having them create thank-you cards for family and friends.

Focus on the Family has age-appropriate Christmas Activities you may enjoy reading through for more ideas:










Checklist for Adults:
1. Plan meaningful family traditions:
- Discuss and decide on special traditions that everyone can look forward to each year, such as a family game night or a special holiday meal.
- Share stories and memories from past holidays to create a sense of nostalgia and connection.

2. Create a stress-free environment:
- Delegate tasks and involve everyone in the preparations to share the workload.
- Set realistic expectations and focus on enjoying quality time together rather than striving for perfection.
- Take breaks and practice self-care to avoid burnout.

3. Embrace the spirit of togetherness:
- Plan activities that encourage bonding, such as a family walk, board game tournaments, or a cozy evening by the fireplace.
- Share and listen to each other's aspirations and goals for the upcoming year.
- Encourage open communication and create a safe space for everyone to express their feelings.


Checklist for the Elderly:
1. Create a comfortable and inclusive environment:
- Ensure that the home is accessible and safe for elderly family members.
- Consider their dietary restrictions and preferences when planning meals.
- Provide comfortable seating and accommodations for their needs.

2. Incorporate cherished traditions:
- Include the elderly in holiday preparations, such as decorating the house or wrapping gifts.
- Share stories and memories from their past holidays to honor their experiences and create a sense of connection.

3. Show love and appreciation:
- Spend quality time with them, engaging in activities they enjoy.
- Encourage them to share their wisdom and life experiences with younger family members.
- Express gratitude and make them feel valued and included in all festivities.

Remember, the key to making the holidays memorable is to focus on creating meaningful experiences and fostering a sense of love, joy, and togetherness for everyone in the family.


If you'd like more examples of what you can do or more instruction on creating memorable moments and events, that's our specialty! We work with individuals, groups, and organizations.  Connect with us.  


Merry Christmas & Happy holidays!

In Christ's Love and Grace,
Sandy and Gino Goe