D.I.S.C. Products for BUSINESS

Gain the Keys to Higher Productivity and Profits

We use the D.I.S.C. personality assessments as a tool to help you to discover your natural gifts, the strengths of your unique personality, and how you may use them for personal and professional growth.

Coach Sandy provides insight and guidance from tried and true experiences in business, entrepreneurship, education, parenting, and hosting international college students from various countries and cultures.


Quick Start

  • DISCover your personality strengths
  • Learn WHY you do what you do and why others may be doing what they do!
  • Gain a deeper understanding of others
  • Acquire skills that will contribute towards your financial success
  • Learn the secrets to building stronger relationships
  • Be equipped to be strong and resilient in today's world.
Sign Up for a DISCovery Package

Break through the status quo and lead with clarity and confidence!

What you'll get:

  • Discover Your Leadership Style
  • Learn how to motivate your team 
  • Gain strategies for building highly productive teams
  • Get leads for Networking 
  • Gain Clarity and Confidence
  • Get equipped to make Your Leadership MEMORABLE 


Gather a group of 5 or More and be a HOST for a Business DISCovery Workshop.

They all will LOVE YOU for taking the initiative and helping become aware of their personality strengths and gain valuable communication and relationship building skills they can access forever!

Click the button below to sign up as a host.

This will take you to a calendar to pick a time to meet with Sandy via zoom to plan out your Business DISCovery Workshop.

Host a DISCovery Workshop


Don't wait for a show, a conference, or any other type of event to engage in, why not CREATE ONE!

We have the original blueprint to the first annual Santa Barbara Business Expo and many other original MEMORABLE events, and we want to help YOU create an original event that will serve your clients and raise your visibility with immediate impact.

Create Your Own Signature Event

D.I.S.C.overy Products For the Whole Family:

Working the family as a winning TEAM! 

DISCovering the personality strengths in each member and learning how to provide a supportive home environment that nurtures self-worth and resilient confidence to face any of life's challenges.

Get Your Family Package

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